Monday, September 20, 2010

NSO plays Beethoven PC 6

Jonathan Heng.  There’s a name to remember.  This guy was press-ganged into performing the Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 6 when the woman who was to do it decided she’d had enough of live performances.  Not sure how much warning he had, but he certainly had the piece down pat.  If that wasn’t enough his encore was Listz’s “La Campanella”, which seemed insanely difficuly.  As her indoors mentioned to me, if we had a bet to simply hit as many piano keys as possible in five minutes – any keys – it’s unlikely we’d hit as many as this guy.

Terrific stuff – a snip at $15!

And while we’re on the subject of Beethoven, how about those Beethoven digital clock sunnies….very cool.

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